Learner Drop Off: Learners may be dropped off in the car line or by a parent through the front gate from 7:30am – 7:50am. Gates will close promptly at 8am and all parents will be asked to congregate outside the front gates. Learners may NOT be dropped off in the parking lot. All learners in the parking lot must have an adult with them. Do not park in the circle in front of the school. This is for drop-off and pick-up only.
TK and Kindergarten Drop Off ONLY: TK and kindergarten drop off is in the upper family parking lot above Kinderland. You will need to park and walk your child into Kinderland. Learners must be walked in Kinderland.
Once you drop off your learner, if you have a 1st-8th grader, you may walk through the crosswalk and down the stairs to the playground to drop off your other learner.
REMINDER: all gates close at 8:00 AM. Please plan accordingly to walk back up the stairs to your car.
Reminder: School begins at 8:00AM. Please plan to drop off your learner allowing enough time for them to be in their classroom by 8:00AM. The time we have with your learners are valuable to us, and we don’t want them to miss a minute of it.
Tardy Arrival: If you do arrive after 8:00 AM, you will need to walk your learner to the front office and sign them in. Do not allow your learner to walk to the front office alone, as supervision will not be available.

Car Line Times:
Our car-line pick-up runs from 2:45pm – 3:15pm. Grades 1st-5th run from 2:45pm – 3pm and Middle School from 3pm – 3:15pm. Please do not arrive before pulling into the circle until 10 minutes prior to dismissal. In addition, do not park in the circle in front of the school. This is for drop-off and pick-up only.
Parents with older CCS learners may opt to have their older learner stay for sibling pick-up. Please fill out the sibling pick-up form HERE. Siblings will not be allowed to stay in sibling pick-up without the form for safety reasons.
To maintain the safety of our learners, we will not release learners to parents/guardians who are under the influence of controlled substances.
Learner Pick-Up: Learners may only be picked up in our car line by an adult or released by school staff upon being checked out by a parent. Learners may NOT be picked up in the parking lot.
Facilitator Attention: Please do not use this time to talk to your child’s Facilitator. They are assisting our learners and must have their attention focused on all of the children in the car line. Please arrange another time to communicate with any staff member.
Walking Passes available for CCMS learners only: Walking passes can be obtained through parent permission by filling out a “Walking Pass Form” found in the front office. Walking passes allow a learner to leave campus without being picked up by a parent or guardian. If a learner has a walking pass, they will not cross the crosswalk with the learners waiting for pick-up. They should immediately leave campus. If your child is observed alone or being picked up in the parking lots, he or she will lose the privilege of a Walking Pass
Outside Lane in Jacie Booher Circle: the outside lane (closest to the school building) is for 1st – 5th grade pick up ONLY. If you are only picking up a 3rd – 5th grader, please use the Center Lane (see below). If you are also picking up a middle school learner, we ask that you pick up your younger learner, and then pull around into the middle school pick up lane (Inside Lane in Jacie Booher Circle closest to the flagpoles).
Center Lane in Jacie Booher Circle: The center lane is for passing traffic only/3rd – 5th grade pick up ONLY. Do not block the passing lanes for any reason and always be aware of learners loading & unloading in this area. If you are also picking up a middle school learner, we ask that you pick up your younger learner, and then pull around into the middle school pick up lane (Inside Lane in Jacie Booher Circle closest to the flagpoles).
Inside Lane in Jacie Booher Circle: The inside lane (closest to the flagpoles) is for Middle School (6th – 8th) pick up ONLY. If you opted in for sibling pick-up for a younger sibling, your middle schooler will meet with them and walk them to the Middle School pick up area. If you did not opt in for sibling pick up, you will need to pick up your younger learner and then loop around to pick up your middle schooler.
TK and Kindergarten Pick Up ONLY: Kindergarten gets out at 2:30. You will need to park in the upper family parking lot above Kinderland and walk in to pick up your learner. Any learner not picked up by 2:45 will be walked down to the main campus for after school care or sibling pick-up.
Parents with older CCS learners may opt to have their older learner stay for sibling pick-up. Please fill out the sibling pick-up form. Siblings will not be allowed to stay in sibling pick-up without this form for safety reasons.
Rainy Day Carline: On rainy days, we have some changes to the carline. As you pull into the carline line, please be ready to give a staff member your child’s name and grade level. That staff member will radio to have your child come to your car. If you are walking up, please also be ready to give a staff member your child’s name in case they also need to be called up from their class.
We are working to make this as quick and efficient as possible. You can support us by moving forward as the cars ahead of you move. Once the elementary carline is complete, middle school learners will move under the overhang at the front of the school. You will pick them up on this side after the elementary carline is complete.
Please Note: Administration reserves the right to make changes to this plan as we see fit for the betterment and safety of our school, staff, learners, and families.
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:5-6