Nothing could have prepared me for how impactful today would be. We started off with a beautiful breakfast at our hotel overlooking the ocean. After this, we took our bus to the MOHI Angaza Camp to spend the day with the 6th grade boys!
We were welcomed kindly and immediately began interacting with the kids. Never have I ever seen so much joy on a child’s face. These boys were so excited to just be around us, which was so encouraging. We played a few team building games, then began our craft that we had prepared led by Emma! We helped the boys make an origami craft which they absolutely loved! They had questions in them that they could ask each other to break the ice. I asked one of the kids the question “What is your favorite praise song?” and the answer was surprising. He began dancing and started singing “Baby Shark”. I could not contain my laughter and was just full of joy watching his performance. After this, we took chai and cooled off before heading to the beach!
The beach was by far my favorite experience here so far. The water was warm and perfectly clear. Watching all of the kids run into the water holding their floaties brought the biggest smile to my face. One boy named Elvis stuck out to me. We had an instant connection and didn’t leave each others side after we met. This boy was full of so much fun and energy. He had never been to a beach before and was blown away at the sight of it. I’m 95% sure he’s part fish because he did not
leave the water even once. I had mentioned to him that I stepped on a stick and he immediately dove for it to give it to me (I’m never letting that stick go). That little gesture showed me how much he already loved me and cared for me. And I loved and cared for him too. We played with all of the kids and swam for what felt like forever. But forever wasn’t long enough, as it had to come to an end.
We went back to the camp and served the kids ice cream! It was most of their first times having ice cream, and watching their faces light up as they took their first bites was so much fun. We had asked the camp director how often the kids get ice cream there, and he said “Once a year when Crossroads comes”, and boy it was such a blessing to be a part of that this year. When we were all done, we had to say goodbye. This might have been the hardest goodbye ever, as Elvis asked me if I would be back tomorrow. I told him no, but that I had lots of pictures of us to remember him. He told me to be careful on my travel back to America, and that he would be praying for me. He let me know that I was his favorite part of camp. I can confidently say that he was mine, too. We left and hopped on a plane back to Nairobi, where we ended the day with dinner at Grace House. I’d like to think I impacted a few precious lives today, but nothing compares to how much I was impacted.
-Sienna T.

Today has been my favorite day yet! Today we went to the Angaza Discovery Camp in Kilifi and it has been the highlight of my trip so far. We started off the day by playing some team building games with the boys at the camp and we did an activity that we led out. It was super fun getting to know the kids better and getting to talk to them. Then we went on a tour of the camp. I didn’t know what to expect but it was actually so cool. The guy who showed us around really turned the whole tour into more of a conversation than a tour and by the end I think he learned just as much from us as we did from him. After the tour we ate some lunch and hung out which was amazing and then we went to the beach. We went swimming with all the kids which was a wild experience. I met this boy named Franklin who was so funny and told me he didn’t know how to swim and wanted me to teach him. So for pretty much the whole time we were at the beach I was teaching Franklin how to swim and carrying him on my shoulders. I made a friend today and I’ll never forget him. When we got done with the beach me and the rest of the team got ice cream for all of the kids and I talked with one of my friends who I made yesterday. His name was Raph and he was one of the leaders at the camp. When we were talking, he wanted to give me a word. He told me that when times feel hard or I feel discouraged, not to worry because God will always be there for me and will be there to take care of me. He really spoke into my life and touched my heart, and I really hope I can see him again. The last thing I got the opportunity to do was meet with my sister Ava’s sponsors child, Sammy. The last time that I saw Sammy he spoke pretty much no english and was so extremely quiet that I wasn’t sure that he knew how to speak. After spending a day with the crazy outgoing boys at the camp I thought to myself “maybe Sammy will be super outgoing now.” I was wrong. He was still just as quiet, but it was still so so exciting to see him. I loved being able to give him all of the gifts we picked out for him and we ate tootsie rolls together. We also made a video for Ava where he said he loves and misses her. After a little while it was finally time to fly back to Grace House. Today was such a blessing and it might even be my highlight for the entire trip, but who knows what Gods gonna do next. I’m really excited because tomorrow we’re going to be putting on a VBS at Kiamaiko school. Anyways, today was really wonderful and I’ll for sure remember it forever.
-Caleb R.

Words cannot express the joy and happiness that was seen all throughout today. Yesterday was a little more difficult for us due to the massive weather change, however God stood right by us and today we had one of the best days ever. We got up around 7, ate breakfast, checked out of the hotel we stayed at in Kilifi by 9, then headed over to Angaza Camp.
The massive smiles on the kids faces as soon as we walked in is something that I’ll never forget. We started our day with them by joining in on the games they were playing. They had different groups and were doing different activities that represented key teachings of the Bible. For example, we all interlinked arms and sat in a circle. After, we had to try to stand up off the floor without unlinking our arms. One of the Angaza Camp leaders explained it is like how we need to surround ourselves in a good environment with good people to uplift us.
After that we then walked the kiddos through an origami craft. They absolutely loved it. In the beginning due to all the folding it took them a little bit, but in the end once they got it their faces lit up and they were so excited!
Towards the end of our day at the camp we went to the beach with the camp kids! It was so much fun the kids loved it, the team loved it, it was perfect! There was this one little boy who I met yesterday when we interacted with the camp kids for the first time. It was funny because I went up to the group he was part of when we first got to the camp without even realizing. Once we got to the beach and in the water he found me and kept wanting to play! He would grab my arm and have me follow him to different places and he would show me different games he wanted to play. Whenever we would lose each other another team member would bring him to me and tell me he was looking for me chanting “Layla! Layla!”. Denzel gave him a piggyback ride to me twice in the water because he lost me, it was the cutest thing ever! We began talking for a little bit and he told me he wanted to be a pastor when he grew up. A few minutes after that he ended up pretend baptizing many on the Kenya team and even prayed over Emma and I. This little boy had such a bright soul, I know God has big plans for him.
After the beach, we ended our day at Angaza Camp by giving the kids ice cream! They absolutely loved it and were so excited. Everyone had a specific task whether it was putting on the chocolate syrup, adding the sprinkles, putting the spoons in, or serving the ice cream to everyone.
Today truly was an amazing day and I’m beyond proud of this team for pushing through and giving these kids an amazing memory to look back on!
-Layla B.