Both the UC College Preparatory track and the standard track meet the minimum requirements established by the state of California for earning a high school diploma as well as meet the minimum requirements for application and entrance into any college or university. All freshmen begin on the UC College Preparatory Track. After freshman year, preceding each academic year that follows, learners have the option to continue on the UC College Preparatory Track, or to shift to the Standard Diploma Track. A shift to the Standard Diploma Track is subject to administrative approval, and is irrevocable once completed.
The comparison between the two tracks are detailed as follows:
- This is the default track for all learners at CCHS, and the required track for all freshmen.
- Meets all requirements and recommendations for entrance into the University of California system, as well as all California State Universities.
- All courses require a grade of C- (70%) or higher to pass. If a learner receives below a C- grade, that course will need to be remediated prior to returning to CCHS the following academic school year.
- All required courses detailed on the CCHS 4-year plan are required to be completed.
STANDARD DIPLOMA TRACK (by application only; not available to freshmen)
- Meets all requirements for entrance into the University of California system, as well as all California State Universities.
- All courses require a grade of D- (60%) or higher to pass.
- Beginning junior year, learners are given opportunities to apply for removal from certain optional courses (noted in the 4-year plan), and to substitute other academic or professional pursuits in their place. Examples include, but are not limited to, work study programs, employment opportunities, and online courses offered by outside colleges and universities.
- Learners on the Standard Diploma Track are not precluded from participating in HIU Concurrent Courses or CCHS Honors Courses – all courses are potentially available to learners on both diploma tracks.