The day begins at 8am for all TK-12th Learners on our campus, but dismissal times vary based on school level. Take note that we have a Modified Day Schedule every Wednesday for all TK-12 Learners.
Preschool: Aug 13, 2:30pm-5:30pm
TK-8th: Aug 13, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Drop in any time during the event to meet your Facilitator and see your classroom!
Orientation in the Chapel: 6pm
Classroom Session 1: 6:30pm
Classroom Session 2: 7pm
Classroom Session 1: 6pm
Orientation the Chapel: 6:30pm
Classroom Session 2: 7pm
Open Classroom Visit: 6pm - 7pm
Orientation in the Chapel: 7pm
Auditions for our next show are coming soon! Click below to learn more.